Almost 1000 TV models now comply with the 2011 standard, and even 300 sets comply with the 2013 rules; some argue the standard is really targeting the laggards.
Many CEC energy efficiency regulations have been adopted by other states over the years. California is a leader in efficiency and one reason by electricity use per capita has been flat, given the state's generally robust growth since the 1970s.
The new regulations will:
- reduce energy use (i.e. save us money)
- encourage other states and federal government to follow
- encourage the industry to innovate
Californians replace their 35MM TVs about once every 9 years.
More information in this SJ Mercury Article. and one from Sacramento Bee.
Here's a guide to TVs from NRDC.
And here is a video from Newsy TV, which presents a few viewpoints:
By the way, who is the California Energy Commission? Can you give one fact: During the 1970s energy crisis, Arthur Rosenfield, now a Commissioner, walked around Lawrence Berkeley Labs at night turning off the lights and discovered one of the golden rules of energy savings: conservation.
By the way, who is the California Energy Commission? Can you give one fact: During the 1970s energy crisis, Arthur Rosenfield, now a Commissioner, walked around Lawrence Berkeley Labs at night turning off the lights and discovered one of the golden rules of energy savings: conservation.
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