[This post is about Fujian students at New York's Stuyvesant Hight School in New York, not energy.]
This article is about Fujian mother, who does not speak English, with two children at Stuyvesant High School in New York.
[Stuyvesant is one of 2 or 3 special public high schools in New York (Bronx Science is another) which are famous for superb academics, very successful graduates (many are children of immigrants, as in this article) and more than a few Noble Prizes winners. Admission is based on ability or merit, not red envelopes or family influence. At a public high school, there is no charge.]
Article: "At Stuyvesant, Interpreting Parent-Teacher Night" - http://nyti.ms/autzmb
A few comments:
- the high school is now 70% Asian students!
- Ms. Hua has been in US for 18 years, but speaks little English. I don't think she arrived on 'soft seat.' Probably many speak a Fujian dialect in her neighborhood (though the translator probably speaks Mandarin, hmm).
- Note the Chinese values: more school on weekends, high expectations and the daughter who was probably born in US is very quiet. On Sunday, I wouldn't be surprised if the children have to work in the restaurant.
- There are many high schools closer to where they live. Her children must take a subway almost as long and crowded at the 406 bus in Dalian, but underground.
- Note the concern about Facebook!
- The family lives close to where my relatives once lived. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1412+Avenue+M,+Brooklyn,+NY+11230&gl=us&ei=6lumS4meEYvssgOe2ZjfAw&ved=0CAoQ8gEwAA&hl=en&msa=0&msid=101623546678115836360.000482534b26008bbba5b&z=14
Full article: http://nyti.ms/autzmb
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